Saturday, April 14, 2012

Jon Gosselin Denies Deadbeat Dad Report

Jon Gosselin is many things: a loser. A douchebag. An attention-starved idiot with bad taste in women.

But he's not a deadbeat dad, at least not according to the former reality star himself.

Following a report that claimed Gosselin owed his awful ex-wife $3,557.06 in child support, the father of eight has taken to Twitter and shot down this rumor, setting the record straight via some basic accounting.

Smiling Jon Gosselin

"There is no story, I pay CS," Jon wrote. "The state site is my recurring balance, so guess what, it will always be there. Every month. Paid in full... Great digging up a story about nothing. Find something else to write a story about. I pay my water bill too, why don't you make that a story. Morons."

Okay, fine. In this case, point Jon Gosselin. But have you seen the disaster this guy was married to for many years? And had sex with at least twice? Dude is still way behind on the scorecard.


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